Tsatsu Kofi Amable





#7 Nana Sika Street, Off Zibra Street, Pokuase Amanfrom

Accra, Greater Accra GW0164 GH



software engineering , data science , artificial intelligence


Languages and Frameworks: C++, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP, Express.js/Node.js, HTML/CSS/ Bootstrap/Bulma

Toolsets/OS: Ubuntu, Windows, MacOS, Git & Mercurial


University of Ghana - Accra

BSc Computer Science and Psychology*Not completed,

2007 - 2011


Software Analyst, Rancard Solutions


Rancard Solutions is a world class technology company with clients in Africa, the Middle East and Europe

  • Currently extending the proprietary Rendezvous SDK with a Neo4j backend, based on the Rancard patented Social Molecules.

2019 - Present

Freelance Software Developer,

I have worked on a variety of projects during this period, from Wordpress websites where I built themes from scratch, to software for running a microsavings business in Ada, the South of Ghana with Microsoft Office Access

2016 - 2019

Developer, Intruptiv Solutions

Intruptive Solutions was a Meltwater Institute of Technology Startup that built an Instagram-esque location-based photo sharing app in 2014

  • I developed a dashboard with Java Play framework to enhance reporting on the growth of the platform


Legacy Tax MIS Maintenance Service Provider, Ghana Revenue Authority


GRA is the Government of Ghana's Tax Administration agency.

  • I maintained key legacy MIS systems across several offices in the capital for the GRA’s VAT Service during a transition phase to a more robust, nationwide system. Each of the offices run different implementations of a MS Access database, and each had specific needs and use cases that required custom solutions. I would routinely be called in, take the system offline (the network), fix bugs, impliment new solutions and redeploy these systems. These systems held data for all the tax transactions for the Government of Ghana up until the end of 2014.

2011 - 2014

Software Developer, Department of Marine and Fisheries Sciences


The Department was the local partner for the iCODE-MDA Project (involved facilitators from the US Navy's SPAWAR) to strengthen the capacities of various countries to use GIS tools and techniques, and to develop some more techniques to enhance remote sensing and security/territorial soverignty objectives

  • I was introduced to GIS, remote sensing, SAR image processing using statistical tools and opensource libraries.
  • QGIS, C++, Ossim Library, OpenCV, GDal, Python

2012 - 2012

Lead Developer & Systems Administrator, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana


The College, at the time the Faculty of Science, maintained a computer lab for development and maintenance of software. I was selected by the Computer Science Department to serve myu national service at the College

  • I administered and maintained the lab's client server network.
  • I developed a student registration web application for the faculty with vb.net (asp.net) over MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Database Management Tool.
  • I was also responsible for historical data of over 25,000 students that had been captured and stored over the years.

2011 - 2012


Trainer/ Facilitator, Akua Kuenyehia Foundation


The Akuakuenyehia Foundation is a not for profit organisation founded by the children of H.E. Judge Prof. Akua Kuenyehia, formerly of the International Criminal Court to assist financially constrained young women to pursue their educational/academic dreams

  • Held a writing clinic for 15 pre-university women
  • Was a camp facilitator for a CV clinic, personal pitch and coach for a camp debate team.

2018 - 2019


Available upon request